Current and Pending vacancies for Doctors.
PENDING VACANCIES - this site is updated monthly
Please click on the vacancy you are interested in for further details and an application form. Note that if we require you to submit an application form you must send three copies.
Specialist Registrar/Associate Specialist (none currently) We follow a central recruitment program, and adverts are carried out on a regional basis, and advertised in the BMJ accordingly. However we will be advertising here on occasions. (none currently) (none currently)
Further Information Application form . (this is for the following groups ONLY Locums, Staff Grades, House Officers, and Consultants.) Please do NOT use this form if you are applying for SHO posts, as this is NOT acceptable. Immigration Form Contact points:-
Fax: +44 (01206) 851231
10-Nov-06 © Copyright 2006, CAL, CGH