The Postgraduate Medical Centre is located at Villa 8 on the Turner Village site. It provides offices for the Director of Medical Education & Training and the Centre Manager and his assistant. The medical Staffing Department is also to be found there, as well as the multi-disciplinary library and the medical computer assisted learning facilities. 



¨       Director of Medical Education & Training                     - Dr. Tony A Elston, MRCP, FRCPath

(Clinical Tutor)


¨       Centre Manager                                                       - Peter Drew


¨       Assistant Centre Manager                                         - Linda Williams


                                                                                         - Marion Brown


They can also be contacted on the following telephone numbers:


¨       Dr. Elston                                                                 01206 742140


¨       Mr Drew                                                                  01206 742142


¨       Ms Williams/Ms Brown                                                 01206 742149


¨     Fax                                                                             01206 851231


¨       E Mail                                                         




Opening hours are between 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday-Thursday and 8.30am – 4.30pm Friday

 The teaching facilities at the Centre comprise of a lecture theatre seating 90 people and 3 smaller seminar rooms. All of them have data projection systems for computer software, CD ROM and video, and projection from microscope slides, X-Rays and 35mm slides can be arranged. Of course flip charts and OHPs come as standard! In the lecture theatre there are broadcast links with operating theatres. The computer assisted learning rooms provides internet access for teaching sessions, and a second room will be shortly commissioned to provide a new facility for a web-based learning platform for all doctors at the Trust.  

The Postgraduate Medical Centre hosts a weekly programme of lunchtime meetings at which buffets are served.  For the latest information why not look at our monthly newsletter?


These include:  

¨       Journal Clubs                                   ¨    Thoracic Journal Club  

¨       Seminars in Palliative Care                ¨    Pre-Registration House Officer Seminars  

¨       Clinical Presentations                        ¨    Ground Rounds         

Details of meetings are circulated to all doctors, and may also be found on the education notice board at the Centre.  

On Friday afternoons SHOs are released from their clinical duties to take part in their own education programme, focused on examination teaching and royal college curricula.  


There is also an in-house monthly magazine called 'The free lunch' which gives details of PGMC activities. Please contact us for a free copy or download a copy here. 

Every rotation of jobs starts with our busy induction programme. Contact us if you would like details of it. It includes an Induction Fayre which gives all new doctors a chance to meet other new colleagues and members of many departments. There’s an Induction Supper, too.                                                    

¨       The Education Network  

The Director of Medical Education has responsibilities beyond the education programme. These can broadly be described under the heading of Counselling, Monitoring & Support.  

Pre-Registration House Officers are all assigned to Educational Supervisors at the beginning of their jobs in Colchester and they should meet to discuss progress in their posts at the beginning, middle and end of their six-month post. The Director of Medical Education writes to everyone concerned to remind them when appointments should be made. House Officers also see him for careers advice and counselling. An appointment can always be made to see him through the Manager at the Postgraduate Centre. 

Other junior doctors in training grades are also allocated educational supervisors who operate a programme of appraisal and assessment. This system is monitored by the Director of Medical Education, and administered from the Postgraduate Centre. A series of meetings take place and Individual Training Agreements are being implemented. This gives every junior an opportunity to plan study leave and examination study, and to identify educational objectives in their posts. Details of meetings are issued from the Postgraduate Centre.  

There is an educational network comprising of:  

Medical Director

Director of Medical Education & Training

Unit Training Directors

College Tutors

Department Education Directors

Educational Supervisors

Consultant Trainers

They are the leading figures liasing between Essex Rivers Healthcare Trust and its clinicians. Their roles also look outward to national agencies, particularly the royal colleges, the teaching hospitals in the region, the Universities and the Dean of Postgraduate Education.  

The Postgraduate Centre acts as a focus for the management activity of clinicians as well as the education programmes. Many committees meet there as well as Directorate groups and Divisions. It is the task of the Medical Director in conjunction with the Director of Education to facilitate the contribution of medical staff in leading and managing healthcare delivery.


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